Sunday, October 2, 2011

What is meditation?

What is meditation?

Simply put, meditation is the ability to clear our minds
in times of quiet so that
we can act and react more deliberately to
daily life in action.

Make some time to learn and manage
reactions to daily life by creating pockets of peace
in your brain through meditation.

 The exercises are simple and
yet profound when practiced.

Meditation is designed to show you
 how to create pockets of peace
throughout the day by meditating.

When we set aside time to meditate,
we give our brains new coping tools
on how to act and react to life’s actions.

Meditation is designed to
create pockets of time
in our daily lives.

Meditation and psychology have a lot in common: 

They are both ways to cope with
life’s ebbs and flows—the ups and downs of everyday experiences. 
Their similarities parallel on many levels, but there are very important differences between psychology and meditation. 
The most obvious is the different ways they can help a person reach a point of understanding and contentment:

While psychology and psychotherapy can be a long process
of mapping out the many details of your memories and past experiences
to figure out what events make you who you are today,
meditation does not take into consideration the details of your past.

It does not need to.

Meditation focuses on the process of creating new pathways in your mind to understanding and contentment.

Come as you are.

Psychology deals with the details of how we came to be the way we are today.

Meditation on the other hand deals with the process.

Meditation assumes that we all feel with a rainbow of emotions
and we all have different emotional blueprints.

Things come at us at 100 miles per hour.

The most important thing to remember is
how we react to them.

Meditation helps that process along and
it takes you to the super highway
towards your spirit.

Our minds race all day long.
The key to meditation is to learn how to
slow our thoughts way down.

 In that process, we begin learning to build
a new relationship between us and our brains.

Learning to slow thoughts way down is
an amazing ability of self-empowerment.

With practice,
meditation becomes a wonderful new companion
that helps us out with our daily events.

gives out a
feeling of
and connects us
to all the positive
forces in the

Once we connect to that higher force, we begin to
 see our lives heading in a new direction.

    Take a look at the Makeoverslife meditation exercises on Facebook...

The link is:

Some examples:

Sitting quiet-listen to your inner voice.

Recreate your inner dialog

Release judgment and opt for observation

Create neutral relationships with family and friends despite each other's shortcomings

Improve your image at work with the 'Professional Face' exercise

Learn to get the job at hand done without procrastinating

Slowly and gently let go of old habits rooted in the past

Create an 'ocean of infinite patience' in your mind

Life lessons present themselves repeatedly until we learn them- 'Brick Walls' and
'There is no right or wrong; only lessons' exercises

'Mind the edges of your drama' exercise

Learn to choose your response with with the 'yin yang' and 'practice no response' exercise.

Take a walk and 'count your blessings' exercise

Find the joy in the moment with the 'freebies' and 'elelment of surprise' exercises.

Learn to connect to your center-that flicker of light in each of us that remains untouched by fate's choices and time's circumstance.

  Please join us at our Makeovers Meditation Section of our program and
anchor your spirit
to the positive force in the Universe.

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