Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Makeoverslife-Meditation exercise for the walking/running routine

Get outside and take a walk...everyday.
Along the way, learn a new meditation exercise to manage reactions to daily life
by creating pockets of peace in your brain through meditation. 

                                                        Makeovers Meditation Exercises.
                                                       Observation: Plants and Animals.
                                 This exercise will bring about a shift in your ability to notice the
                                                  details of your immediate surroundings. 
                                                                     Awareness builds
                                                        appreciation for the details in life.
                                   The beauty of nature and the miracle of how animals interact
                     with their environment are often things that we overlook in our busy 

                                    Observing how an animal eats, nurtures its young, or flies in a
                                                 flock is truly the miracle of life in action.

                              Nature performs magic everyday for us—if only we pay
                            attention and give it its due regard. Take the time to view nature as
                         important and as awe inspiring as it truly is. Building the ability to see
                               how many different plants and animals there are in just a walk
                             around your neighborhood will pull you out of your busy inner
                            dialogue and divert your attention long enough to give your thoughts
                                                a little mini-vacation from worries.
                          As you practice this observation exercise on plants and animals, let
                              your mind play and imagine. Here are some thoughts and an
                                                           example to get you started:
                          •Observing an animal for a brief time gives you a chance to really
                                   feel what it’s like to be that animal. Let your imagination take
                              on the thought of being that animal: Its body, its purpose for
                              living, eating, sleeping, protecting itself from danger, caring for
                                                                         its young, etc.
                                   • “This tree has probably been here 100 years.
It has such

                               stamina against the elements! If a life force could choose to be
                                 whatever it wanted, this one chose to be a tree. Strong and
                                    steadfast, changing with each season, it has beautiful lush
                                  green leaves in the spring and jewel toned colors in the fall.
                                Some trees bear delicious sweet fruits like cherries or apples.
                                  Others bear fragrant flowers like lilacs. How amazing!                                                                                    
                                                                          1. Go for a walk.
                                                             2. Clear your mind of all thoughts.
                                     3. Let your attention wander to various plants and animals. Place
                                                 your attention on one plant or animal at a time.
                                        4. Label the plant or animal in your inner dialogue. Say to
                                          yourself, “plant,” or “animal.” If you know the common term
                                      for it, use it: Dandelion, pansy, elm, oak, squirrel, dog, cat, etc.
                                   5. Quiet all inner dialogue and any judgment past the common 

                                                          6. Now begin the observation process:
                                                                  • It is moving fast/slow.
                                                                           • It is eating.
                                                                • It is taking care of its babies
                                                                           • It has fur.
                                                                      • It is searching for food.
                                                                           • It has many colors.
                                                                           • It is watchful.
                                                                          • It is big/little.
                                                                      • It bends with the wind.
                                                                         • It has pointy ears.
                                                                 • Its bark has a rough texture.
                                                                  • Its branches are thick/ long.
                                        7. Try to notice every detail about the plant or animal.
                                    8. Gently let go of any thoughts that come up that do not pertain
                                                  to the plant or animal that you are observing.
                                 9. Stay with this exercise as long as you wish. When you are done,
                                                    say to yourself, “I am done now. Peace.”

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