Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The One-The Final Meditation Exercise in Makeoverslife

The One is the last meditation exercise in the Makeovers Life
program. We have reached the end. The end means that you have
read and practiced all of the concepts in the program. Your mindset
has shifted. The ideas that you had about your life have also shifted.
It is now time to put everything you’ve learned into action in your
own life. You now know and see that the only way to lead is by
example. Let your actions align with your words. In times of
disagreement, place yourself on the positive side of the choice before
you and stay there… strong and filled with faith. Don’t let the negative
force stray your will.
 Take the journey from sunrise to sunset every day knowing that
each day has many lessons to teach you. Learn them so that you
don’t have to repeat them. The phrase “DIES DIEM DOCET” is a
Latin phrase that says “THE DAY TEACHES THE DAY”. This means
that you must go through the day to see what fate is trying to tell you.
Align yourself with fate’s wishes. It is the easiest outcome, but hard
going through the process of this kind of surrender…to fate’s wishes.
After all, life doesn’t necessarily give you what you want. It always
gives you what you need. That you can count on every time and twice
on Sunday.
Life has stages. We are born into growing and learning. Who we
are born to and the lessons we learn as children will serve our destiny
as adults. The mere child’s play will turn into lifelong goals and
passions as adults. As young people, we leave the nest of our
childhood and venture out into the world to make our mark and
contribute to this beautiful thing called life in action in the Universe.
We have setbacks and triumphs all in the name of learning how we
are to change our own little corner of the Universe. As we mature and
the task of warrior is behind us, we look forward to paying forward all
the gifts that life has bestowed on us. Our personality traits live on in
our children and the many generations to come. Having had a
successful life simply means making it to old age healthy
and sane.
Whatever jobs you’ve had along the way have helped many people
whether you were the President of the United States of America, a
worker in a factory making goods, a teacher, or a garbage man. Your
life helped the world work.
If we only have this one life and there is nothing after, choose to be
a positive force in this Universe today. Life is good. When you wait for
good things to happen later, you miss the moment. There is a great
saying: “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.
That’s why it’s called THE PRESENT.”
                             When we compare our lives with other life forces on our planet, we
can plainly see how blessed we are. The tiger has to be a tiger. The
penguin has to be a penguin. We have to be people and the
differences in our purpose are huge. What a great gift to be born
human with all the gifts of awareness, feelings and
responsibilities. The Universe is a riddle. When we see how
different our lives are compared to the lives of other living creatures,
we get a glimpse into the different levels of consciousness. Because we
don’t know what is out there in the Universe, we can only imagine
that there may be consciousness that is much more advanced than
ours. We are so different compared to the plants and animals here on
Having an imagination is one of the greatest gifts in life. When we
believe something, we begin to see it. Not the other way around.
When we have to see something to believe it, we miss the magic. Be
careful what you believe. It shapes who you become. Spirituality lives
in our imagination.
When our habits go into automatic, it is hard to change. Choices
bring us the power to change our minds and, in turn, change our lives
in action. We must learn to reward ourselves with ‘good for you’
things. Our brains are our most powerful tools. We can’t be
addicted to bad things and expect our bodies and spirits to thrive.
Addictions are born out of habits and keep us in one spot. 
Never growing. Never evolving.
Taking action and doing whatever it takes to release ourselves from
the strong hands of addiction allows our bodies to heal and our spirits
to soar towards new heights. Old doors will close so that new ones
may open.
Even though our lives have reached cruising altitudes, our purpose
is far from over. We must now learn to maintain what we’ve worked
so hard to achieve. Maintaining a lifestyle is similar to working
towards one. The work is the same. Finding satisfaction in the things
we already have is the key. People forget that they’ve reached their
goals. They stay in building mode. Sometimes too long and keep on
building instead of maintaining. This is a huge pitfall of success.
At some point, we must decide that we have enough.
Maintaining our current lifestyle opens new opportunities to grow
spiritually. It allows us to begin the winding down process in life and
to pay forward what we’ve been given so gracefully. Our higher
purpose is born out of following the river of life and appreciating
every stepping stone…just as it is…in the moment along the way. After
a certain age, we must take responsibility for all that we are. Only in
owning everything, do we get the power to change it. When we place
blame outside of ourselves, we give away the pain. Unfortunately, we
also give away the power to fix it. Own it so you can change it.
Life is about what you leave behind in your children, family, and
friends. Money only comes and stays when you find something you
love to do. Money is like water. As soon as you try to hold onto it, it
seeps through your fingers. Money is only a secondary to a primary
anchored to passionate work.
A job is only as good as the people who carry it through.
As the strongest life force on this planet, we have to look inward to
find the answers that will move us forward. At this time in history, we
must ban together to take care of each other and our planet. If not, we
don’t allow ourselves to move forward physically or spiritually. 
Greed and narcissism must be dissolved by kindness, integrity, and
love. As human consciousness, we must leave our selfish desires in
the shadows and reach out to help each other shine.
You be the change you want to see in the world. As we have entered
the new millennium and spiritual continental fusion is being
created, people have already taken on a new mindset of being one
guiding force towards positive life in action in the Universe.

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