Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Meditation Exercise-Sitting Quiet

                            Sitting Quiet.

                Sitting quietly is a great way 
                 to let your whole life turn 
                    off for few moments. 

Meditation takes this concept and creates a deliberate time for you to learn to unwind.

Making time in your busy life to actually sit down and be quiet is not as easy as it sounds. 

    Our bodies and minds are so accustomed
    to always doing something that even the thought of sitting quietly with nothing to do seems rather pointless. 

However, sitting quietly is one of the most powerful tools you can use to retrain your mind to become aware and empowered in the   face of daily tasks and choices. 

           Your mind races all day long. 

Turning off all dialogue is a great way to relax,  but it takes some practice. 

         Your mind has to grow into quiet. 

      It has to learn how to be quiet and still.

        This exercise can be done anywhere: 
Driving, walking through a store or park, or    sitting in a room with no noise.

         Discover how important it is 
           for your mind to be quiet. 

Only from here can we make a spiritual connection to our higher selves—
to God—and 
discover our own highest purpose in life.

Quiet is a feeling, not just a word. 
You will know this feeling when your mind comes upon it after some practice. 

    As you learn to quiet your mind, you will    recognize this feeling many 
times throughout the day. 

      It becomes your road to your center. 

    Use it frequently and you will grow as you     work towards greater understanding.

        Body still, mind quiet, spirit within.


              1. Find a quiet spot.

               2. Sit down.

           3. Clear your mind.

   4. As thoughts come up, gently bring your      attention back to just sitting quiet.

     5. When you are done sitting quiet,                say to yourself, 

               “I am done now. Peace.”

Expected results:
Throughout the day, a feeling of something familiar begins to drive choices in a new direction-towards peace and surrender.

The more time spent quiet, 
the louder our inner voice sounds 
and we begin to listen to it 
like a child to a favorite story.

...and our connection to our higher selves 
begins to anchor into our 
daily lives in action...


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