Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fried rice: Keep it simple and delicious.

When going out to eat to an Asian restaurant, 
fried rice is the cornerstone of any meal.

Having a good recipe at home means 
authentic fried rice any time.

Rice that is a day or two old works best.

Start with boiled rice...about 3 to 4 cups.

Put 4 tablespoons olive oil in a pan. 
Let it heat up.
Add 1 egg, scrambled.

The 'scrambled' egg will be real greasy. 
This is the base for the fried rice.

Add 1/2 a carrot, 
peeled and finely chopped.

Add 1/4 cup frozen peas.

Stir until peas and carrots are tender...
about 7-10 minutes.

Add the rice-
brown rice works amazing.
Stir gently.

Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup soy sauce. Try 1/4 cup first,
then add the other 1/4 cup as needed.
Fried rice works great with 
baked salmon and buttered broccoli.
It a filling snack 'a la carte'as well.

Cooking dry or brown rice:
2 cups rice
4 cups water; add more 
as needed while cooking in 1/2 cup portions
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 teaspoon salt

In a large saucepan, add water, rice, butter and salt.
Bring to a boil.
Cook until rice is tender.

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